
About Wren Pottery

Wren Pottery is run by me, Tracey, I live in Torbay, South Devon with my young family and my pottery is inspired by the coastline which I can see from our home.

The aim of Wren Pottery is to make functional, beautiful and affordable pottery. I want handmade pottery to be more accessible to everyone and not a luxury item.


The History of Wren Pottery

I first dipped my toes into the world of pottery back in 2017 where I fell in love with all things ceramic. After about a year of making pots one evening a week, I had an unintentional (hello two house moves, a second child and a pandemic) clay break until 2022. This is when I found a local class in Torbay and knew I couldn't lose pottery from my life again. 

Within six months of returning to clay, I set up Wren Pottery. For the next six months I was still finding my groove, what glazes I liked, what style of pots I wanted to make, how much to sell them for and how much I could create in two hours a week.

In 2023 things started to get busy. I was approached by multiple shops asking to stock Wren Pottery. This was amazing but I had nowhere near the capacity to meet all of the requests. I was turning down shops and markets, knowing that I didn't want to be turning them away. Throughout 2023 I refined my glazes and style of pottery which had the unintentional but brilliant side effect of creating a recognisable style.

By the end of 2023 I started to make plans to grow Wren Pottery and at the start of 2024 I made some key moves including finding studio space and setting up this website.

Life is busy, I have a day job at a charity which I love and we have two small people but I'm thankful to have a very supportive husband who encourages me to make pots whenever I can.